Abbey Road Studios photographer-in-residence Simon Wheatley shares his top five insights

Abbey Road Studios photographer-in-residence Simon Wheatley shares his top five insights

Simon Wheatley is one of the most influential UK photographers of the 21st Century. Simon emerged as an authoritative chronicler of London’s youth culture with the publication of his book, DON’T CALL ME URBAN! The Time of Grime in 2010.

Abbey Road Studios photographer-in-residence Simon Wheatley shares his top five insights

Simon Wheatley is one of the most influential UK photographers of the 21st Century. Simon emerged as an authoritative chronicler of London’s youth culture with the publication of his book, DON’T CALL ME URBAN! The Time of Grime in 2010.

In 2018 Simon became photographer-in-residence here at Abbey Road Studios where he continues to bring his documentary expertise and cultural relevance. Simon joins us as a guest judge in the Underground Scenes category of the Abbey Road Studios Music Photography Awards 2023.

simon wheatley

1. Cameras can obstruct photography - at that initial point where the photograph is conceived, in the heart and mind. So don’t be obsessed with equipment, go with whatever you happen to have.

simon wheatley
Bedroom studio, Isle of Dogs

simon wheatley North Peckham Estate

2. Authentic photographers never try to find a ‘style’. It’s something that shapes itself organically over time.

simon wheatley roll deep
Roll Deep

3. The purpose of composition is to draw the eye into the essence of a photograph. Visual rhythm is vital.

simon wheatley skepta

simon wheatley Bus shelter, E14

4. One finds oneself as a photographer from constant and consistent practice. Don’t be deluded into the hype that shooting film makes one ‘superior’, especially if we can’t really afford to make mistakes given the exorbitant costs - because taking lots of pictures is how we learn.

simon wheatley hak baker
Hak Baker

5. There is something inherently lonely about being a photographer, and this loneliness is to be cherished. Imagine how I remember things: no mobile phones, internet or social media - just you and your camera, going deeply into the world around you and into your feelings…

simon wheatley akala