Jason Sheldon

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Birmingham-based Jason Sheldon is well liked and known in the music photography world and by music PRs, record labels, music management and many bands and artists themselves. His live, portrait and promo photographs have been published globally in the press, on-line, books and album covers as well as for artist merchandise.

His clients include Live Nation, Neil Diamond, Jerry Seinfeld, Jonathan Van Ness, Birmingham Symphony Hall, Ke$ha, AEG and Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

After a successful career in the computer games industry, Jason started music photography in 2006 with The Charlatans at Wolverhampton Civic Hall. Less than six months later he had shot Elton John, Eric Clapton, Radiohead, Status Quo and the Eagles, becoming the music photographer for the UK’s biggest regional evening newspaper The Express & Star.

When the music industry shut down during Covid, Jason used his time to earn a Masters Degree in photography, graduating from Falmouth University in 2023.
